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In 2013, the initial idea of starting my T-shirt company came to mind with the goal of sharing my extroverted personality with others.  As ideas arose, I immediately wrote them down in my phone for safekeeping and easy access.
Soon afterward, I realized that sharing my personality with others wasn’t enough.  I needed to share God’s word and that’s where this journey began.
But soon something happened that would bring everything to a HALT…I lost all of my ideas on my phone!


Two years later, the idea of my T-shirt business came back, but I definitely wasn’t doing my part in nurturing the idea.  I received a call from a high school friend one weekend and of course, the question about the progress of my T-shirt business came up.  We laughed and joked about it, but I knew I had to CHANGE.
I began digging deep into myself asking what do I want to accomplish with this business. I kept my ideas/vision in a journal this time and started from the beginning.  Step by step, I put in long hours and extensive research into my vision.
Arriving at a name for the company was a challenge.  It needed to come from the heart, a life experience, a TESTIMONY!  I wanted the brand to start a conversation, be inspirational, be encouraging, and a blessing to others.  I needed it to connect with people on an emotional and spiritual level.  
I remembered a situation at work when fear intimidated me and kept me from doing my job.  The devil tried to use the very thing that I love against me, but it didn’t last.  After I prayed, God removed that fear out of the equation, thus creating the name FEARLESS I:VII.  


FEARLESS I:VII derived from 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  I had to realize that GOD didn’t give us fear and there’s no need to feed into it.  I analyzed what I was afraid of and concluded that there was nothing for me to fear. 
God has truly blessed me over the years, and I know He’s not finished with me yet.  I pray that this vision which God has revealed to me years ago will present an opportunity to bring someone closer to Christ and will plant a seed of hope that will be watered and produce a harvest.  Being FEARLESS is about praying more, fearing less, and gaining faith. 
I am THANKFUL for this opportunity God has given me and I pray that you will be encouraged in your walk with Christ.
-Philip W.
Founder, Fearless I:VII